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Showing results 1 to 20 of 47  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
31-Jan-202357 Convocation AddressSpiegelhalter, David John
1967Asymptotic efficiency of Des Raj's strategy-IPathak, P K
1970B Stat 4th year 1963-1970Indian Statistical Institute
1981B Stat 4th year 1970-1981Indian Statistical Institute
1980Characterization of probability distributions based on a generalised rao-rubin conditionRao, Radhakrishna; Srivast, C; Talwalker, Sheela; Edgar, Gerald A
1978Comparison of tests with same Bahadur-efficiencyChandra, Tapas Kumar; Ghosh, J K
1974Complementation in the lattice of borel structuresSarbadhikari, Haimanti; Bhaskara Rao, K P S; Grzegorek, E
1982Contributions to the study of bayes estimates : The maximum likelihood estimate and RAO'S testJoshi, S N
1983Convergence of the moments of the modified K-class estimatorsSwamy, P A V B; Mehta, J S; Iyengar, N Sreenivasa
Feb-1979Determination of probability measures through group actionsRana, Inder K
1963Effective entropy rate and transmission of information with additive random noiseParthasarathy, K R
Apr-2011Essays on regular variations in classical and free setup: randomaly weighted sums, products in CEVM and free subexponentialityHazra, Rajat Subhra
1958Expressions for the lower bound to confidence coefficientsBanerjee, Saibal Kumar
1980Finitely additive MARKOV chainsRamakrishnan, S
1957A lower bound to the probability of students ratioBanerjee, Saibal Kumar
1969A multidisciplinary approach for teaching statistics and probabilityRao, C Radhakrishna
1956A note on the determination of optimum probabilities in sampling without replacementRaj, Des
Jul-1928Note on the probability associated with the error of a single observationShewhart, W A
1979Number of repairs for 2-unit systemParthasarathy, P R; Ramnarayanan, R
1966On one-sided distribution functionRamachandran, B