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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 132
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998Technique for fractal image compression using genetic algorithmMitra, S K; Murthy, C A; Kundu, Malay K
1998Rough knowledge- based network,fuzziness and classificationMitra, Sushmita; Banerjee, M; Pal, Sankar K
1998Genotype and phenotypic assortative mating in genetic algorithmDas, S; Pal, Sankar K; Ghosh, A
1998Multiscale morphological edge detectorChanda, Bhabatosh; Kundu, Malay K; Vanipadmaja, Y
1998Unsupervised feature selection using neuro fuzzy approachBasak, Jayanta; De, Rajat K; Pal, Sankar K
1998Fuzzy featrure evaluation index and connctionist realization - II : theoretical analysisBasak, Jayanta; De, Rajat K; Pal, Sankar K
1999Rough fuzzy MLP: knowledge encoding and classifierBanyopadhyay, S; Murthy, C A; Pal, Sankar K
1998Simulated annealing based pattern classificationBandyopadhyay, Sanghamitra; Pal, Sankar K; Murthy, C A
1998Incorporating chromosome differentiation in genetic algorithmsBandyopadhyay, Sanghamitra; Pal, Sankar K; Maulik, Ujjwal
1998Pattern classification using genetic algorithms : determinations of HBandyopadhyay, Sanghamitra; Murthy, C A; Pal, Sankar K
1999Soft computing for feature analysisPal, N R
1998Two efficient connectionist schemes for structure preserving dimensionality reductionPal, N R; Vijay, E Kumar
1999A Robust self-tuning scheme for PI and PD type fuzzy controllersMudi, Rajani K; Pal, N R
1999Will the real Iris data please stand up?Bezdek, James C; Keller, James M; Krishnapuram, R; Kuncheva, Ludmila I; Pal, N R
2000Fault tolerant permutation mapping in multistage interconnection networkMaulik, Ujjwal; Bandyopadhyay, Sanghamitra; Bhattacharya, S
2000Genetic algorithms with substitution and re entry of individualsGhosh, A; Tsutsui, Shigeyoshi; Tanaka, H; Corne, D
1999Neuro-fuzzy feature evaluation with theoretical analysisDe, Rajat K; Basak, Jayanta; Pal, Sankar K
1999On rule pruning using fuzzy neural networksPal, N R; Pal, T
1999Soft computing for feature analysisPal, N R
1999A Robust self tuning sceme for PI and PD type fuzzy controllersMudi, Rajani K; Pal, N R
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 132