Dissertations - M Tech (CS) Collection home page

These Dissertations were submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of M TECH (Computer Science) Degree of Indian Statistical Institute

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 528
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004Uniform random sampling from the distortion less neighborhood of a digital imageLaskar, Nizamuddin
2004Tracing the hot spots for placement of heat sink in a VLSI chip layoutChakraborty, Bhaskar
2004Hybrid genetic algorithms for flexible ligand dockingSen, Anindya
2004Feature sensitive level set for clusteringGupta, Ashish
2004Face detection in color imagesRoy Chowdhury, Swarup
2004Multicategory support vector machinesSingh, Rajesh Kumar
2004Pattern analysis using level set methodChattopadhyay, Amit
2004Analysis of multiple scan path architectureKumar, Ranjan
2004Sentence level information retrievalSahoo, Swarup Chandra
2004Clustering of gene expression dataVenkatraman, V
2004Scan path architecture for low power testingSrivastava, Praveen
2004A study of recent results on provably secure steganographyRao Ch, Chandrasekhara
2004Color image segmentation through self-organizing mapBiswas, Anupam
2003Optical character recognition for Indian language scripts using support vector machinesKonagalla, Srikanth
2003DNA cryptologyDas, Bireswar
2003Object tracking using stress induced surface seeking modelDas, Sitansu Kumar
2003DNA computing using self-assemblyDas, Shantanu
2003Design of an authorization model for a data cubeSingh, Pravin Kumar
2003Region based object tracking algorithm using intensity surface informationKoley, Tushar
2003Constructions of visual cryptography schemesSikdar, Somnath
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 528