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dc.contributor.authorKumar, Niraj-
dc.descriptionDissertation under the supervision of Dr. Ashish Ghoshen_US
dc.description.abstractAnomaly detection in videos deals with pointing out the events that are out of normal. Current methods deals with identification of anomalous frames in a video sequence based on certain objects, and behaviours present in the video. Anomalies in videos are continuous events, and due to high number of features, generally the classical methods are not good enough for the task. Most of the reconstruction based deep learning methods works on the assumption that anomalies are rare in nature, and the training sets doesn’t contain any kind of anomalous events. This may work in case of object related anomalies, but will fail in case of motion related anomalies. We design a two-branch reconstruction and prediction based convolutional auto-encoder which utilises future frame prediction technique along with 3D convolutions to capture both spatial and temporal features. Moreover, the use of skip connections have been utilised in prediction branch to avoid the loss of spatial information during prediction in crowded frames. To overcome the problem of small dataset, we created new dataset by superimposing images over one another. This led to more data as well as frames containing more crowd density.en_US
dc.publisherIndian Statistical Institute, Kolkataen_US
dc.subjectSpatial informationen_US
dc.subjectTwo-branch reconstructionen_US
dc.subjectTemporal featuresen_US
dc.subject3D convolutionen_US
dc.subjectConvolutional autoencoderen_US
dc.titleDetecting Anomalies in Videos Using Reconstruction and Prediction based Deep Learning Approachen_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - M Tech (CS)

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