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Title: Sphere fibrations over highly connected manifolds
Authors: Ghosh, Aloke Kr
Keywords: Homotopy groups
Sphere fibrations
Quadratic Associative Algebra
Loop spaces
Issue Date: Oct-2024
Publisher: Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Citation: 97p.
Series/Report no.: ISI Ph. D Thesis;TH612
Abstract: This thesis analyzes the construction of the sphere fibrations over (n − 1)-connected 2n-manifolds for an even integer n such that the total space is a connected sum of sphere products, in a localized category of spaces. Integral results are obtained for n=2, 4. In the second part of the talk, we will discuss that for n=4, wheather these bundles can be realised as a principal SU(2)-bundle and the possible homotopy types of the total space of such a principal SU(2)-bundle. Along the way, we will discuss the homotopy classification of certain 3-connected 11-dimensional complexes with torsion free homology.
Appears in Collections:Theses

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